Sunday, May 13, 2007

I need at least three principal reasons for and against Obamacare 2016. For each issue, I need pros and cons.

Three pros are that the uninsured will get healthcare regardless of preexisting conditions, Medicaid expansion, and young adults can stay on their parents plans until age 26.  Three cons of the bill are the individual mandate that requires one to have health insurance, insurance providers sometimes increase the cost of coverage in order to cover sick people, and increased taxes on high-earners and the healthcare industry.  Higher costs for insurance has been a key campaign issue pertaining to the bill, but then again less people are having to go through the emergency room due to a lack of coverage.  People who claim that personal liberty is at stake chafe at the idea of mandating coverage for all, but many states already make one insure motor vehicles.  The hope is that by making everyone carry some kind of insurance, the cost will eventually drop for all as more healthy people (especially young people) enter the system.  

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