Monday, June 4, 2007

How would you describe Dwight (Mr. Uchida)? What kind of work did he do? How/why did he come to America?

Mr. Dwight Uchida is a hardworking, resourceful, and caring family man. In 1906, at the age of twenty-two, he arrived in California to fulfill his responsibilities to his immediate family and to continue his tertiary education.

Although he had hoped to eventually make his way to Yale to study for a medical degree, he gave up his ambitions to support his mother and sisters. At the time, Dwight's mother had just immigrated to Seattle to be with one of his sisters. So, to support his family, Dwight took a job at Mr. Furuya's general merchandise store, and in due time, he was eventually promoted to manager of the Portland chain. Dwight worked at the Portland store for nine years and was then able to buy the boat fare for his two remaining sisters in Japan to join their mother in Seattle.

Because of his punctual habits and exemplary work ethic, Dwight caught the attention of the manager of the San Francisco branch of Mitsui and Company. In 1917, he was offered a chance to become an employee of Mitsui, which he accepted. Prior to coming to America, Dwight's incredible work ethic allowed him to pay his own way at Doshisha University in Japan. Despite his poverty, he never despaired and chose instead to work as a milkman, telephone operator, and bank clerk to finance his education at Doshisha.

Because Dwight had endured poverty during his childhood, he was always frugal in his habits. Despite his frugality, he was a generous and compassionate man. After establishing himself in America, Dwight and his wife generously opened up their home to homesick students from Japan who were studying at the University of California. They also hosted innumerable ministers from Japan as well as students, alumni, and the president of Doshisha University at their home. In all, Dwight's kindness and warmth made him a popular host in the home he shared with his wife and two daughters.

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