Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Who do you think is the main character in the story?

The main character of a story is the protagonist, the central character around whom the entire story revolves and with whom all the supporting characters have interactions.

Though the mother in the story “Charles” has a major role and narrates the story, it is the character of Charles/Laurie around whom the plot revolves. Though the title of the story is “Charles”, he is an imaginary character made up by Laurie and meant to take the blame for all of Laurie’s negative behaviors. Therefore, Laurie is the main character of the story.

Without Laurie, the plot of the story would not move forward. Laurie, even when through his imaginary counterpart Charles, drives each action that occurs throughout the plot of the story. The climbing action with the mounting examples of Charles’ misbehavior, the problem of finding out which of Laurie’s classmates Charles is and finally the resolution where the reader realizes that Charles does not exist, are all tied to Laurie’s actions.  

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