Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Note how Thoreau qualifies his argument in paragraph 40 of "Civil Disobedience"; how does using this rhetorical strategy serve his purpose?

In the beginning portion of "Civil Disobedience," Thoreau criticizes the nature of the government and how it serves to rob citizens of their voice rather than to offer them a true democratic system.  Thoreau is aware that his ideas may offend readers, and he does not want to lose his credibility by potentially being labeled as a trouble-maker, so he alters his rhetoric at this point to show his willingness to be a part of the government.  Thoreau says, "I am but too ready to conform to them," meaning that if governmental laws were truly created by the people, then he would happy submit to them.  Later in the paragraph, Thoreau employs a rhetorical question after he has asked the reader to view the government not just from a close-up lens, but from one far removed--the suggestion is that surely from a more objective standpoint, one could see the problems with the government as it is.

1 comment:

What was the device called which Faber had given Montag in order to communicate with him?

In Part Two "The Sieve and the Sand" of the novel Fahrenheit 451, Montag travels to Faber's house trying to find meaning in th...