Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What was the outcome of the Trojan war?

According to ancient historians (including Herodotus, a Greek, and Livy, a Roman) and poets (such as Homer and Virgil), the Mycenaean Greeks defeated the Trojans after infiltrating Troy by hiding inside the famed "Trojan Horse." The Greeks razed and plundered the city and killed the remaining members of the house of Priam (Troy's king). The Greeks then returned home.

Menelaus returned to Sparta with Helen. Agamemnon returned to Argos, where Clytaemnestra, his wife, murdered him (as portrayed in the Oresteia). Odysseus' journey lasted 10 years as he experienced many setbacks (his journey is portrayed in Homer's Odyssey).

According to Livy, Aeneas led a group of surviving Trojans to Italy, where Aeneas became king of the Latins. One of Aeneas' descendants, Romulus, founded the city of Rome and became its first king.

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