Saturday, August 6, 2011

Does imperialism still exist in modern form and if so, what form does it take?

Imperialism does still exist in the modern world, but it is somewhat different than it was in earlier times.  Imperialism exists in economic and cultural form rather than in political form.  Today, developing countries are exploited for their resources and labor by powerful multinational corporations of the developed nations.  This is a capitalist-driven imperialism with the goal of larger profits and influence in mind. The weaker nation does not have the ability to resist the interference of these capitalist interests.  Banks also seek to dominate world financial markets.  Often times modern imperialism is disguised by the less ominous term of globalization.  It should be noted that there is very little difference in the minds of some social scientists.  

The economic domination of the world by the United States/ the West is closely associated with cultural domination.  A quick example of this is the use of English in many countries around the world. 

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