Sunday, September 18, 2011

Has the tomb of Jesus been found?

To find the tomb of Jesus would one of the greatest finds in the history of Biblical archaeology.  For that reason, the location is one of controversy.  There are no less than five sites that lay claim to the final resting place of Jesus Christ.  Adding to the controversy, the very mention of a burial site for Jesus is sacrilege in the Christian and Muslim communities.  Scriptures teach that Jesus ascended into heaven.

The five sites that claim to harbor the remains of Jesus range from believable locations in Jerusalem to more unlikely locations in Japan and Kashmir (India/Pakistan.)  In April of 2015, an Israeli geologist studied a tomb with the inscriptions of Jesus and his father Joseph and studied the soil around it.  He claimed that through chemical tests and the names on the tombs that the East Jerusalem site was the burial place of Jesus.  Archaeologists met his claims with great skepticism and feel it is unlikely to contain the remains of Jesus.  As of 2015, there is no agreement in the scientific community that the burial location of Jesus has been discovered.  

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