Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What are two types of research design?

Let's begin by defining what research design is. Research design is defined as the overall strategy selected to integrate the various components of the study that effectively answers or addresses the research problem. 

The two examples of research design design being described is Action Research Study and Case Study Research Design.

1. Action Research Design

  • Definition:

This type of research design is used to solve an immediate problem or used as a reflective process of problems being solved by a team  that are finding ways to find solution to their problems.

  • Advantages:

> Excellent for the research used for work and community situations

> Focuses on solution-driven research and does not rely on tested theories

> This type of research has a higher change of being implemented and good way to implement change and solve problems.

  • Disadvantages:

> It is more difficult than the general conventional research. This is because the research is responsible for both researching the topic and implementing the change. 

> Date obtained for this research is in the form of stories and observation, and less likely from experiments or from calculating. This can be challenging to obtain.

> If the researcher is over involved on a person level, then the outcome of the results will be biased.

2. Case Study Design Research

  • Definition:

Case study research involves the narrowing down a broad research topic to a few examples and find a solution or solution pathway for that example or narrowed down topic within a broad topic. 

  • Advantages

> Excellent for testing specific theories and models applied in the real world. 

> Provides an easy understanding for complex issues.

> There are many methodologies that can be used in a case study design.

> A researcher can build on on somebody else's research to obtain a better or different solution path.

> Provides in-depth details of specific and rare cases.

  • Disadvantage:

> A narrow research topic at times lack data and does not always represent the broader topic.

>  If the researcher is over involved on a person level, then the outcome of the results will be biased.

> Important information or the lack of reliable information can make the case difficult to explain or interpret. Also, results obtained might also be inaccurate.


The two types of research design being discussed are:

  1. Action Research Study

  2. Case Study Research Study

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