Thursday, February 2, 2012

If you were Jim or Della, how would you feel about the gift you recivied?

To me, Della’s gift would be like the embodiment of true love. Without doubt it would be my most prized possession, symbolizing pure love.

Della’s long hair had been her most precious belonging, something that she had always been proud of and had never parted with. She felt no less than a princess with it hanging “below her knee.”  

“Della knew her hair was more beautiful than any queen’s jewels and gifts.”

Della got her enviable hair cut off to earn a few dollars so that she could buy me a Christmas gift!

No, that money didn’t buy her a gold fob, but it bought her me. The gift would be a constant reminder that I’ve been bought by somebody at the price of deepest, selfless and true love.

Holding the gift I would feel myself the most blessed and fortunate soul.

However, my first reaction might have been different. I might have been very upset. Knowing why she got her beautiful hair chopped off would have aroused a complex feeling in me mixed with different emotions including anger, helplessness, guilt, pity and immense love for Della. But soon, I know, these feelings would subside leaving the strongest one: the feeling of immense love for my beloved Della.

All my life the gold fob would be among the few dearest things I had, perhaps dearer than my life itself.

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