Monday, March 12, 2012

Hi, I am doing a task on 1984. My idea was to do a post room 101 interview with Winston Smith. O'Brien would be conducting this interview so that...

This sounds like a great assignment!

My one caution would be to provide students with a rubric that clarifies whether or not they will be graded on elements such as style/diction, or simply on content to demonstrate knowledge of the text.

Also, as a quick question: would students be writing Winston's answers only, or the entire interview? 

Here are some sample questions you could have O'Brien ask Winston: 

  1. What is 2+2?

  2. How do you feel about Big Brother? 
    I love Big Brother

  3. Tell me what London was like when you were a child? 
    Winston's description should match current London

  4. Why do we need Newspeak? 
    Better, simpler, no confusion, it is right, etc. 

  5. How do you feel about Emmanuel Goldstein?
    Winston's response should demonstrate true hatred

  6. Who is Oceania at war with? 
    Free to choose - we don't know how much time has passed in the Room

  7. Who was Oceania at war with last year?
    Same as #6

  8. How do you feel about Julia? 
    Total apathy

  9. What should we do to thought criminals?
    Something really atrocious

  10. What is true?
    What the Party says is true

Good luck!

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