Friday, November 15, 2013

I am writing a research paper about why the number of sexual assaults is so high in India. How can I write a thesis statement about this?

Before writing your thesis, try to gather as much general information as you can about India and the high level of rapes that have been occurring there. Make sure that you use multiple sources that cover a range of view points. Rape is a consistently underreported crime, so while official crime statistics are an important resource, they should not be your only resource for determining the number of incidences.

While you are doing this general reading, make a note of anything that sparks a thought about possible reasons that this is occurring or contributing factors. This could be something you read about the role of women in India, the political and economical climate, general violence in the area or a combination of factors that you think may be related. You may also want to look at cultural views of rape perpetrators and victims as this varies by country.

Once you have formed your own thoughts about why the number of rapes is so high in India, you will have your thesis. After you have formed it, research more deeply into the area you have focused on and use that information to support your thesis. If your understanding of the issue changes during the course of your more comprehensive research, it is completely fine to adjust your thesis. In fact, it is preferable to rewrite your thesis instead of omitting information you learn that is contrary to it. 

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