Saturday, January 25, 2014

How does Lady Macbeth respond to Macbeth's state of mind in Act 3 Scene 4?

In the very beginning of the scene Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both attempting to portray a united sense of calm and ease in their recently acquired positions of power. When they enter the banquet Macbeth says to the guests:

"Ourself will mingle with society

And play the humble host.

Our hostess keeps her state, but in best time

We will require her welcome."

And Lady Macbeth quickly responds:

"Pronounce it for me, sir, to all our friends,

For my heart speaks they are welcome."

However, things begin to unwind as soon as the first murderer comes to speak to Macbeth. The reader might assume Macbeth steps aside from his guests to have his conversation with the murderer and when he returns Lady Macbeth's frustration begins to simmer under the surface. She admonishes him for seemingly forgetting his duty to entertain his guests, saying "My royal lord,/ You do not give the cheer". In this moment, she appears to be reminding him to remain focused and be a good host or the guests might begin to suspect that something is wrong.

Once Macbeth begins to see the apparition of Banquo's ghost, Lady Macbeth responds to these fits in two differing ways. With the guests, Lady Macbeth attempts to downplay her husband's behavior. She assures them that he often behaves like this and the behavior will soon pass if they simply do not pay attention to him. However, when she pulls Macbeth aside she attempts to snap him back into reality by challenging his masculinity. She tells him his fear is not even "true fear" and is more well suited to a woman's story told around a fire. When his fits continue, she finally suggests to the guests that they leave.

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