Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What are the five types of organizations? I have normative, coercive, and utilitarian, but the chart asks for five?

Normative, coercive, and utilitarian and the three formal organizational structures.

When five structures are involved, we are commonly talking about Mintzberg's Five Types of Organizational Structure.

  • Entrepreneurial - A generally loose organizational structure driven by creativity, yet often featuring low discipline. A tech startup managed by its founders is one example.

  • Professional - Featuring a moderate level of bureaucracy and driven by professional and competent workers, often with highly specialized skills.

  • Machine - Characterized by a high level of bureaucracy. Feature high structure and are often long-lived, but have limited openness to new ideas. Government agencies are examples.

  • Divisional - Typical of large corporation which divide themselves into more focused business unit, each responsible for a distinct set of product lines.

  • Innovative - A structure designed to allow for brand new leadership styles focused on decentralized decision making. Often seen in emergent industries.

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