Friday, November 14, 2014

What do we learn about the invasion and Macbeth's actions in Act 5, Scene 2?

About the invasion: 

- Donalbain is not among the attacking force. It is Malcolm and his supporters only. 

- Malcolm (the heir apparent) leads the attacking force. He is accompanied by Siward and his son, as well as Macduff. Siward and Macduff are driven by revenge. 

- The forces of Menteith, Caithness, Angus, and Lennox will meet Malcolm's at Birnam Wood. 

- The attacking forces have more reason to believe in their cause because they have word that some of Macbeth's own men believe him mad. 

- Much of the attacking force are young men who've never known battle. 

About Macbeth's actions:

- He is fortifying Dunsinane. 

- He knows that his men are revolting against him. 

- He knows that the men who fight for him respect only his rank and office, but do not love him. 

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