Friday, July 23, 2010

What is a synonym for "very"?

According to, a synonym "is a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language." For example, happy is a synonym of joyful.

It is easy to overuse the word 'very' when trying to describe something of a high degree, so it is good to use synonyms to vary language.

Here are some synonyms for very: extremely, exceedingly, highly, incredibly, unusually, wonderfully, certainly, extraordinary, excessively, greatly, noticeably, truly, remarkable, profoundly, particularly, pretty, and surprisingly. 

Each of the synonyms listed above expresses a different level of degree, so it is important to choose the correct one. If something is not surprising, it would not be appropriate to use surprisingly. Furthermore, if something is not wonderful, wonderfully would not be the best word choice. 

A great place to look up synonyms of words us in a thesaurus. There is a link for a great online thesaurus posted below. 

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