Monday, June 18, 2012

What are the conflicts in On the Devil's Court by Carl Deuker?

As is true of most any novel, On the Devil's Court, by Carl Deuker, has a number of conflicts that help move the story and provide depth to the narrative. One such conflict occurs early on when Joe's father takes a new job at the University of Washington, forcing Joe to leave his friends behind and to acclimate himself to a completely new high school for his senior year. This here presents the first of many conflicts between Joe and his father, like when Joe wants to attend a local, public school and Joe's father insists that he attend a private school. Throughout the novel we find Joe in constant conflict with his father, whom he blames for their move and for Joe having to attend this new, unfamiliar school.

Other key conflicts are rooted in Joe's decision to offer his soul to the devil in exchange for a perfect basketball season. Herein lies the main crux of the novel--is it wise to make such a bargain? What are the consequences of such a choice? What happens afterward? Will Joe lose his soul? Does a single perfect season really equal the value of Joe's soul?

Additional tension and conflict arise as Joe's team makes it to the championship and Joe struggles with his choice--did he really trade his soul? Was his pact real? Or was it all just his imagination?

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