Sunday, October 6, 2013

In "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury, who do you think the children love more, Lydia or George? Why? Give textual information.

“The Veldt”, an unnerving story about how technology can change and influence children, shows how in Bradbury’s creepy society, the parents have little control over their overindulged children.  The children are in charge in this futuristic home, and the parents, George and Lydia, just go through the motions of having control over what their children do.

The children probably love Lydia more because she seems to be more of a pushover when they ask for extra time in the nursery.  She begs George to let them have a few more minutes in the African veldt when he insists on locking the nursery and even begins turning off the rest of the house.  Peter and Wendy become hysterical, and George decides to let them play in the nursery for one more minute.   Lydia also seems to be more concerned about the children’s psychological state as she calls in Dr. McClean to analyze the children’s obsession with the veldt experience in the nursery. 

George tries to be a disciplinarian but is confused by his role as a father.  The technology of the house has made him so complacent and dependent that it is hard for him to assert himself for any length of time.  He does stand up to the children when he doesn’t allow them to take a rocket to New York.   Other than the one time he says, “no,” George is easily convinced to give in and not be strict.  George needs to exhibit some tough love but is unable to carry out any real rules or change any of the children’s behaviors. 

Both parents pander to their children’s wants and wishes to the point that the children are spoiled and entitled.  However, Lydia is a little guiltier of that than George and would probably get the “#1 Best Mom” coffee mug on her birthday, if she had survived her children's revenge and the veldt.

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