Monday, March 3, 2014

How did Eliezer's relationship with Moishe the Beadle influence him, both before and after Moishe was deported and returned?

In the novel Night by Elie Wiesel, Eliezer's relationship with Moishe the Beadle initially influences him to learn. When we first meet Eliezer, he is almost 13 years old and he is committed to finding someone to teach him Kabbalah, the art and practice of Jewish Mysticism. The study of Kabbalah is normally reserved for men who are at least 30 years of age, something Eliezer's father reminds him of when he asks him to find a teacher. Moishe is the one who ultimately opens the door for Eliezer into this forbidden world.

"And Moishe the Beadle, the poorest of the poor of Sighet, spoke to me for hours on end about the Kabbalah's revelations and its mysteries. Thus began my initiation" (Wiesel, 5).

After Moishe was deported from Sighet along with the other foreigners, Eliezer continued to study on his own. Months later, Moishe returned, but he was much changed. Where before he would sing and bring joy to the townspeople, now he brought only sorrow and warnings of atrocities sure to come. Unfortunately, no one believed Moishe's story, including Eliezer. Still, something of what Moishe said must have stuck with him because he begged his father to sell all of their possessions and move the family to Palestine. Even though he couldn't bring himself to accept what Moishe was telling him, a part of him knew that they were in danger. Eliezer's relationship with Moishe was one of respect and admiration. Even when the rest of Sighet believed him to be crazy, Eliezer felt compassion and pity for his once teacher.

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