Monday, June 23, 2014

Why was Steve no longer afraid of James King?

On Thursday, July 9th, James King and Steve Harmon are sitting together in a holding pen across from where they enter the courtroom. James asks Steve if he is going to cut a deal with the prosecutor. He attempts to intimidate Steve by scowling at him and narrowing his eyes. However, Steve Harmon thinks that James looks funny trying to intimidate him. Steve recalls the numerous times he's looked up to James and wanted to be tough like him, but no longer feels the same. Steve then begins to think of the constant threats that surround him in prison and begins to laugh. Steve mentions that the inmates, the judge, and even the guards terrify him, but James simply looks silly trying to scare him. Steve understands the difference between real threats and what James is trying to do. Steve says, "They do things to you in jail. You can't scare somebody with a look in here" (Myers 101). 

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