Friday, July 24, 2015

What would be a good topic question for Auschwitz-Monowitz?

A good topic question for Auschwitz-Monowitz would be as follows:  Why would it be a positive for an inmate to be "selected" to work at Monowitz?  The answer to this question is because Monowitz plant was vital to the Nazi war effort.  This meant that the workers, as long as they were healthy, were very important to the war effort.  The Nazis utilized inmates from Auschwitz to work in the factory. The factory manufactured synthetic rubber and fuel.  The inmates from Auschwitz were actually used to build the plant.  While there was really nothing positive about being an inmate at Auschwitz, the best chance of surviving the ordeal was to be commissioned to work as a slave in a factory.  The alternate to this was imminent death.

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