Monday, September 7, 2015

What are examples of viral diseases?

Viral infections are due to the presence of a virus in the body. Viruses are made of nucleic acids that are surrounded by a protein coat. Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves. For this reason, many scientists consider viruses to be nonliving. Viruses are like a parasite to body cells that they use as a host. They use your body cells to reproduce via either the lytic or lysogenic cycles.  The lytic life cycle of a virus causes body cells to rupture, or lyse. As more body cells are ruptured, the infected individual is weakened and becomes ill. Below is a list of viral infections. 

- The common cold

- The flu (influenza) 

- Chickenpox

- Herpes



- Mumps

- Measles 

- Shingles 


- Rubella

- Viral pneumonia 

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