Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What affects did racism have on Scout in the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird?

Racism affects Scout's character in several ways throughout the novel. Scout is forced to confront individuals such as Cecil Jacobs, Francis Harris, and Mrs. Dubose whose blatant racist remarks force Scout to defend her father. At the beginning of the novel, Scout's quick temper gets the best of her when others call her father a "nigger lover." As Scout matures, she is able to control her emotions when dealing with racist individuals. Racism alters Scout's perception of humanity. Throughout the novel, Scout witnesses the negative effects that racism has on individuals such as Tom Robinson and Dolphus Raymond. Scout develops the ability to question why some individuals like Miss Gates, can condemn the persecution of the Jews, yet support prejudice in the Maycomb community. Scout's moral development is shaped by her direct experience with the racism found in Maycomb County.

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