Monday, November 9, 2015

Why do you think it is important to develop alternative energy sources?

Alternative energy sources are non-conventional energy sources. That is, sources other than the commonly used energy sources. Human beings commonly use fossil fuels (such as coal, natural gas, diesel, gasoline, etc.) as sources of energy. However, these sources will not last forever. In fact, we are in danger of running out of oil and coal in the next few decades. Environmental degradation is another concern associated with the use of conventional fuel sources. Fossil fuels generate carbon dioxide on combustion, and this greenhouse gas causes global warming and climate change. Many places are dependent on a select few countries (such as countries in the Middle East and Asia) for most of their oil requirements. Such a monopoly is a cause of economic and strategic concern and has already led to a global oil crisis and conflicts. 

To avoid all these issues, alternative energy sources are needed. Some examples of such energy sources include solar energy, wind power, wave energy, etc.

Hope this helps. 

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