Tuesday, July 12, 2016

In chapter seven of The Giver, what was the mood of the assignment ceremony?

Assignment Day recognized the paths of all the children in the community, but it was especially important to those receiving assignments.  Those assignments determined what that person was going to do the rest of his/her life, and it was determined by a group of people.  It was not his/her own choice.  Naturally, the suspense was high.  Jonas says just before Chapter 7,

“He only wished…….. that the suspense would end.” (pg 49)

However, the ceremony began with boring speeches and mentions of gratitude for the work of the Committee.  Asher had to stifle a yawn.  Then the ceremony began, and so did the excitement of the recipients.  Each anxiously awaited their assignment, and the young people all  seemed quite satisfied with their assignments.  Jonas was happy for his friends.

“But, he was more and more apprehensive as his own approached.”  (pg. 56)

However, when it was Jonas’s turn, they skipped his number.  He was number nineteen, and number twenty was called to the stage instead.  This was very unusual. .  Jonas became very anxious. 

“He felt dizzy, and couldn’t focus his attention.” (pg 57)

The author uses words such as “dazed” and “embarrassed” as each person was called to the stage.  Jonas had obviously been skipped.  The other students looked at him and were embarrassed for him.

“And he saw the worried look on his group leader’s face.” (pg 57)

He thought he must has done something wrong, and he was ashamed. 

“He hunched his shoulders and tried to make himself smaller in the seat.  He wanted to disappear, to fade away, not to exist.” 

So, the day was filled with numerous emotions.   Overall, it was a suspenseful ,anxious moment for most of the students and their parents.  However, the students also felt embarrassment and concern for Jonas

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