Sunday, August 15, 2010

What is the number of orders needed to produce maximum profit from the equation `P(x)=-x^2+1250x-271600` ?

I would like to add to the above answer. One can use basic calculus, to be specific the use of basic differentiation: 

`(dP)/dx = -2x + 1250` (Applying basic differentiation) 

In order to find the maximum make `(dP)/dx =0`

`0 = -2x + 1250`

Now solve for x:

`2x = 1250`

`x = 625`

Now substitute the answer  into the original equation to find the maximum profit : 

`P(x) = - x^2 + 1250x - 271600`

`P(625) = - (625)^2 + 1250 (625) - 271600 = 119 025`


(Calculus is another simple way to solve problems when determining a question asking for the maximum. Only use calculus if you are familiar with it, otherwise use the methods as stated in the previous answer.)

  • When finding the maximum, first differentiate with respect to the independent variable, many times will be x, then make it equal to zero and solve. 

  • Answer: x = 625 maximum profit P(625) = 119 025

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