Sunday, February 7, 2016

What obstacles did George Washington face while in office?

George Washington faced many obstacles while in office. One obstacle was dealing with other countries that were trying to push us around. Great Britain and Spain were interfering with our trade as well as encouraging the Native Americans to attack us. The British also wouldn’t leave the forts in the West they were supposed to leave after the Revolutionary War ended. President Washington knew we couldn’t afford to go to war. We weren’t strong enough militarily nor were we financially able to afford a war. Instead, he chose diplomacy to work out the differences. This resulted in Jay’s Treaty and Pinckney’s Treaty being made.

Another challenge George Washington faced was dealing with our financial issues. We were in debt from the Revolutionary War, and we needed to establish our financial system. Alexander Hamilton proposed a debt plan that was accepted, which allowed us to deal with our debt. He also proposed to create a national bank.

Finally, George Washington had to deal with some rebellion at home. When farmers refused to pay the Whiskey Tax, the federal government responded to put down the rebellion. This sent a message the federal government wouldn’t tolerate disorder and lawlessness.

George Washington had several challenges as President. He successfully resolved many of the challenges he faced.

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