Thursday, February 11, 2016

Why will Goody Good's life be spared if she is a witch?

Sarah Good is a beggar woman in Salem who is the first one accused of being a witch.  Goody Good is a little senile and has been seen muttering and talking to herself around town.  She is an easy scapegoat for Abigail to accuse of witchcraft because she is an outcast and a little crazy. 

The irony about the witch trials is if you confess to being a witch, renounce the devil, and accept God, you will be spared from death.  We see this happen when Tituba confesses so readily upon being accused of dancing in the woods and casting spells.  She immediately declares her faith in God, and she is let back into the fold. If Goody Good confesses, she will also be spared.  

The Puritans and other witch-hunting religious groups had some wild ideas on how to prove guilt or innocence in accused witches.  For example, it was thought that if you were a witch you would float on water, but if you sank and drowned, you were innocent.  You were dead but innocent.

Throughout history, the persecution of witches and others has always been fueled by ignorance and superstition.  

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