Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What does Jem say when he's mad at Scout?

There are numerous scenes throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird where Jem is upset with Scout. One of the more memorable scenes takes place in Chapter 14 when Jem motions for Scout to follow him into his room, while Atticus and Aunt Alexandra argue over Calpurnia. Jem tells Scout to try not to antagonize Alexandra, and Scout takes offense. Jem tries to explain that Atticus is under a lot of stress because of the upcoming trial, but accidentally insults Scout by saying that she can only hold information in her mind for a little while. Scout takes offense to Jem's "maddening superiority" and yells at Jem. Jem responds to Scout by saying, "I'll---I'll spank you" (Lee 184). After Jem threatens to spank Scout, she tells Jem that she will kill him and punches him in the face. The two siblings scuffle and scream at each other before Atticus comes into Jem's room and breaks them apart.

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