Friday, December 27, 2013

What is the setting for book 10 of The Odyssey?

Book 10 of Homer's Odyssey has several settings. The book opens with Odysseus and his crew on the island of Aiolia; this island belongs to Aiolos, the wind-god. 

Odysseus and his men then sail toward Ithaka (their home); unfortunately, Odysseus falls asleep and some of his crew open the bag of storm-winds Aiolos gave to Odysseus (Odysseus refused to tell them what it contained, so they thought there was treasure inside). Opening the bag allows the winds to escape, and the ship is quickly blown off course. Eventually, the men end back up on Aiolia.

They continue sailing, and they stop briefly on Lamos (long enough for the king of the island to kill one of Odysseus' men). They scurry back to the ships and journey on. Book 10 ends with the men on the island of Aiaia (do not confuse this with Aiolia), also known as the residence of the infamous goddess Circe.

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