Saturday, October 13, 2012

Can anyone please tell me what I would need to say or include in a letter from The Chorus in Oedipus Rex, to Tiresias? What would be the mood, and...

To a certain degree, this depends on at what point in the play they are writing the letter. If you assume that they are writing at the beginning of the play, they might want to cover the following points:

  • Opening: Since they will be asking Teiresias for help, they should probably begin by flattering him. They should praise his wisdom and the way he is close to the gods and has the gods' favor. They should also remind him that he has always been a good friend to Thebes.

  • Next, they should describe the situation of the plague afflicting Thebes, emphasizing how it is harming the city and evoking pity by description of innocent victims and their desperation. 

  • Next, they should make a request that Teiresias visit their city and help them find the cause of the plague. They should flatter him by saying that he is the only person wise enough to do this. They should also mention that his being favored by the god Apollo makes him likely to succeed in this, as Apollo is associated with healing.

  • They should conclude by promising him hospitality and aid with his journey. 

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