Sunday, October 21, 2012

What is the similarities between the Democratic and Republicans?

Listing to the discord between the Democrats and Republicans, it would appear that it would be very difficult to find any similarities between the two parties. However, there are similarities between the two parties even though how they would go about achieving the goals differs.

Both parties want the United States to be viewed as a strong country in world affairs. They want countries to know our word means something. Both political parties want peace to exist throughout the world. They want the United States to have good relations with other countries, but not unconditionally. For example, both parties want peace in the Middle East. This peace must be reasonable for all parties involved. While they differ on how that should be achieved, they do want peace to exist.

Both parties want our economy to be strong and to grow. They want low unemployment rates, they want businesses to invest in the economy, and they want fair trade policies. While there are major differences in how to achieve these goals, the goals are similar for both parties.

Both the Republicans and the Democrats want the United States to be a great country, one that can be trusted, one that is growing in economic terms, and one that is respected around the world. Both parties express a love for our country and want to see the country and its people prosper.

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